Liability through Ideas for Planning and Provision of Aid, n. o.

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Naša organizácia bola jednou z prvých organizácií, ktoré vstúpili do „Gazy“ a poskytli tam núdzovú pomoc civilistom. V oblasti sa v spolupráci s našou organizáciou realizovali tri charitatívne projekty. Druhý projekt bol v roku 2024 - január a týkal sa distribúcie zeleninových košíkov. Tretí projekt bol tiež v tom istom mesiaci a zahŕňal distribúciu hotovosti tým, ktorí to potrebujú. Z druhého projektu malo úžitok približne 40 rodín s 250 ľuďmi a z tretieho projektu 18 rodín so 100 ľuďmi. Projekty boli realizované vo veľmi ťažkých podmienkach, v obkľúčení, bombardovaní a masívnom ničení, až do tej miery, že jeden z členov tímu bol usmrtený počas realizácie prvého projektu. Realizácia projektov nebola jednoduchá a čelila viacerým ťažkostiam, počnúc spôsobom poskytovania financií, cez nákup potravín, ktoré neboli bežne dostupné v obkľúčení, až po náročnosť realizácie a jej riziká. Projekty však možno za týchto okolností hodnotiť ako úplne úspešné a dosiahli svoje ciele. Reakcia núdznych ľudí bola na našu organizáciu skvelá, a to z niekoľkých dôvodov, vrátane ich veľkej potreby a pocitu, že sú tu takí, ktorí s nimi za týchto okolností stoja.

English version below.

English version

Our organization was one of the first organizations to enter the “Gaza” and provide emergency assistance to civilians there. Three charitable projects were implemented in the area in cooperation with our organization. The second project was in 2024 - January and involved the distribution of vegetable baskets. The third project was also in the same month and involved the distribution of cash to those in need. About 40 families, consisting of 250 people, benefited from the second project, and 18 families, consisting of 100 people, benefited from the third project. The projects were implemented under very difficult conditions, under siege, bombardment, and massive destruction, to the extent that one of the team members was martyred during the implementation of the first project. The implementation of the projects was not easy and faced several difficulties, starting from the method of delivering the funds, passing through the purchase of foodstuffs that were not widely available under siege, and ending with the difficulty of implementation and its risks. However, the projects can be evaluated as completely successful and achieved their goals under these circumstances. The reaction of the needy people there was great towards our organization, for several reasons, including their great need and their feeling that there are those who stand with them in these circumstances.