Liability through Ideas for Planning and Provision of Aid, n. o.

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Krízy treba riešiť hneď a reagovať na nich čo najskôr. Neviete im predísť, môžete len reagovať v
snahe čo najviac zmierniť utrpenie nevinných obetí z radov civilného obyvateľstva. Tu naozaj platí "Kto
rýchlo dáva, dvakrát dáva." Preto sa naša organizácia, prostredníctvom svojich miestnych
spolupracovníkov, zapojila do úsilia o poskytnutie urgentnej humanitárnej pomoci civilistom-
obyvateľom pásma Gazy, osobitne ženám, deťom a starším ľudom, ktorí sa po 7.októbri 2023
následkom vzniknutého konfliktu ocitli v nepredstaviteľne ťažkej životnej situácii. Nepodporujeme
žiadnu z bojujúcich strán, chceme len poskytovať humanitárnu pomoc tým, ktorí ju dnes urgentne
potrebujú. Podarilo sa nám po ťažkom úsilí, hneď ako to bolo legálne možné, doručiť do Gazy prvý
balík pomoci. 
Veríme, že Vás priložené video presvedčí o správnosti nášho úsilia a že nám svojim finančným
príspevkom umožníte v tejto pomoci civilnému obyvateľstvu v pásme Gazy pokračovať. Predovšetkým
v ich mene Vám všetkým vopred srdečne ďakujeme. Šukran Džazílan

We help in Gaza, we are there where we are needed. Will you join us? 

Crises must be dealt with immediately and responded to as soon as possible.You cannot prevent them, you can only react in an effort to alleviate the suffering of innocent civilian victims as much as possible."He who gives quickly gives twice" really applies here.That is why our organization, through its local collaborators, joined the efforts to provide urgent humanitarian aid to civilians-inhabitants of the Gaza Strip, especially to women, children and the elderly, who found themselves in an unimaginably difficult life situation after October 7, 2023 as a result of the ongoing conflict.

We do not support any of the warring parties, we only want to provide humanitarian aid to those who urgently need it today.We managed, after a difficult effort, to deliver the first aid package to Gaza as soon as it was legally possible.

The said aid, as you can seen on the video, was in the amount of EUR 5,000, and we would like to make another delivery, or deliveries, of humanitarian aid at least in this amount.We are currently trying to get a more detailed report from our local collaborators, but due to repeated outages of the Internet and telephone connection, as well as the overall security situation, this has not been possible yet.

We believe that the attached video will convince you of the correctness of our efforts and that with your financial contribution you will enable us to continue this assistance to the civilian population in the Gaza Strip.Above all, on their behalf, we thank you all in advance. Shukran Dzazilan.